Creating nutritious early learning menus

Highlights from our webinar: Make healthier easier

Learning to enjoy a variety of nourishing foods in childhood is important to promote healthy growth and development. But making positive changes in your service is much more than simply getting your cook to amend the menu, so where to start?

We teamed up with Nutrition Australia’s Anneliese Twigg, a registered nutritionist, to discuss the importance of healthy eating for children and how this fits within the National Quality Standard. In the above webinar, we spoke about menu planning guidelines and provide practical strategies to overcome some common challenges when it comes to planning nutritious menus.  

Did you know?

  • Less than 10% of Australian children eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables to thrive each day
    According to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • Food choices can impact focus and behaviour in children
    When children eat nourishing foods, they are more alert and more likely to develop to their full potential.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to health and wellbeing can be hugely beneficial for your ECEC service
    As a leader in your industry, you can attract new families through word of mouth and meet the requirements of the National Quality Standard
  • Menu planning has numerous benefits
    Meet NQS requirements, save time, manage your budget and intentionally provide healthier choices.
  • Everyone has a role to play in improving nutrition for the children in your care
    Management can coordinate policy development, provide training for staff and engage health professionals and local networks. Cooks can ensure there is variety in meals and cater to children’s specific needs. Educators can role model healthy eating and encourage children to eat independently. Families can reinforce messages about healthy eating at home.

Free healthy meal plans for your ECEC service

From managing nutritional requirements, juggling different allergies and pleasing fussy eaters, menu planning is no easy feat. So, we’ve taken care of it for you. Woolworths at Work customers have free access to a four-week meal plan with 60+ recipes, created in partnership with Nutrition Australia. 

When you log in, head to the Discover Centre and scan the sidebar for our free healthy meal plans.