4 ways we make switching suppliers easy

We know organisations are busy with managing competing priorities, so consolidating all your grocery needs with one dedicated partner can seem daunting and too hard.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Woolworths at Work supports you throughout the onboarding process and beyond. That means you and your employees can focus on more pressing issues, like serving your customers, while we help embed, then streamline and optimise your logistics.

Our dedicated onboarding team can support your transition in 4 key ways.

1.Announcement and change management

  • We provide you with announcement communication materials so your employees are fully versed in the new partnership, and know where to turn for support.

2. Matching our systems to your organisational structure

  • Mirror your organisation’s unique financial structures
  • Account and shopper financial controls
  • Tutorial on OpenPay (Credit Account) self-service assets and benefits
  • In-depth explanation of our consolidated invoicing (with your choice of weekly, fortnightly or monthly invoices) with OpenPay.

3. Hassle-free registration for your shoppers

  • Assist individual shoppers from your organisation with the registration process
  • In-depth explanation of our consolidated invoicing
  • Instruction on our all-electronic online credit-check process.

4. Dedicated training and support for your teams

  • We provide training and support for the different disciplines within your organisation, with dedicated teams for business leaders, finance and shoppers.