Scam Alerts: Woolworths Group
Everyday Rewards
Woolworths Rewards is now Everyday Rewards! As we update our name, you may see us referred to as either Woolworths Rewards and Everyday Rewards in website addresses, search results and some emails. To help you stay vigilant against scammers, do be aware of the email addresses and URLs used by Everyday Rewards:

If you’re ever unsure if you’ve received an email from Everyday Rewards or not, please feel free to reach out to us on or call us on 1300 10 1234 and select option 1.
From time to time, Woolworths identifies emails, SMS’ and phone scams that claim to be authentic communication from Woolworths. They are often specially designed to look genuine, and often copy features from legitimate communications such as our logo and branding. The links contained in these scam messages direct you to fake websites that will look like legitimate Woolworths branded websites, but will often have a slightly different address that is not associated with any of our brands. For example, the link might take you to the website instead of
Scams are attempts by online criminals to gain access to your personal or financial information. Everyone is a potential target for online criminals who specially craft scam messaging to trick you into giving out your personal or sensitive information.
Please note, that Woolworths will never email, message, or call you to ask for your personal or financial information including your password, credit card details or account information. Our correspondence will prompt customers to log-in to their Woolworths account if we require you to update your personal information.
Below are some examples of recent scams. If you receive any suspicious messaging from Woolworths, please forward it directly to
To find out more about scams and how to protect yourself visit:
SMS scams
Smishing or SMS scams are a popular way online criminals persuade you to tap on a link. SMS scams are often specially crafted to look like they are from a legitimate organisation and encourage you to verify your details or claim a prize by tapping a link contained within the message. The link may take you to a website that asks you to verify your account details by entering them on the website or even compromise the information on your phone by downloading a virus.
Be suspicious of any SMS’ you receive that:
- Creates a sense of urgency
- Is from an individual or organisations that don’t usually SMS you
- Request personal or sensitive information
Please report any suspicious Woolworths SMS’ to
Report a scam or find out more about scams by visiting
An example of current SMS scams that is circulating can be seen below. As you can see, a message is sent from what appears to be the number Woolworths uses for its Pick up service. The first two messages are legitimate Woolworths messages as seen by the link. However, the last message in the message chain is a hoax sms message as it does not use the link.

For further information please refer to the sms scams video below:
Phishing scams
Phishing is a type of email scam where online criminals attempt to trick you into giving out your personal or financial information, which can then be used to steal your money or your identity.
Be suspicious of emails that:
- Create a sense of urgency
- Are from individuals or organisations that don’t usually contact you
- Contain links that don’t relate to the emails content
- Contain attachments you weren’t expecting
- Request personal or sensitive information
Please report any suspicious Woolworths scams to
Report a scam or find out more about scams by visiting
Images of current phishing scams that are circulating can be seen below:

Archived phishing scams

Scam phone call claiming to be from Woolworths
We are aware that some customers are receiving automated phone calls claiming to be from Woolworths. These phone calls are not from the Woolworths or any associated brands.
We will never call you to request a payment or ask for your personal or financial information including passwords, credit card details or account information.
Please report any suspicious phone calls to
Report a scam or find out more about scams by visiting
iTunes gift card scams
We are aware of a scam circulating where individuals are targeted into settling supposed debts through the payment of iTunes Gift Cards.
The scam follows a certain foruma. The victim receives a call and is urgently asked to make a payment for an ‘outstanding debt’ by purchasing iTunes Gift Cards from their nearest retailer. After the cards have been purchased, the victim is asked to pay by sharing the 16-digit code on the back of the card with the caller over the phone.
Report a scam or find out more about scams by visiting
